ACO News
Welcome to the Team: Jeremy Powers, Director Clinical Quality Improvement
We are excited to announce that Jeremy Powers, Director Clinical Quality Improvement joined the ACO team on 11/7/2022. Jeremy has been a Respiratory Therapist since 2011, spending 12 years at Glens Falls Hospital as a front line therapist, which led to a leadership role for the respiratory therapist department. He has spent the last 3 years at Rutland Regional Medical Center as the Director of Cardiopulmonary Administration and throughout the pandemic he was heavily involved with a myriad of quality improvement initiatives.
ACO Employee Updates – Brenda Stiles
Brenda Stiles has resigned her position as Director of Clinical Quality Improvement and Practice Transformation – her last day is August 5, 2022. Brenda joined the Medical Home Team in 2011 as a RN Care Manager and in 2014 she became the Director of Care Management and Quality for the Adirondacks ACO.
Adirondacks ACO Employee Spotlight – Melissa Joyce
Melissa Joyce is the ACO Support Specialist and has supported the Medical Home and ACO team since inception. Her historical knowledge of our work and the provider network are extensive and she is always willing to share this knowledge.
Adirondacks ACO Employee Spotlight – Meg Henning
Meg Henning joined the Adirondacks ACO Team in 2019, previously working for OneCare Vermont. She is a valuable member of our support team and is eager to focus her efforts, to ensure that the many ACO project tasks are completed in a timely manner…
Adirondacks ACO Employee Spotlight – Lilian Wu
Lilian Wu is the Program Performance Analyst at Adirondacks ACO. Her role entails supporting the ACO’s financial performance by focusing on service...
ACO Director Brenda Stiles wins the AHI 2021 Transformation Rural Health Champion award!
We are pleased to announce that Brenda Stiles is the recipient of the AHI 2021 Transformation Rural Health Champion award! Congratulations and...
Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOS Saved $4.1 Billion in 2020
ACOs also hit an average quality score of 97.8%, and 60 ACOs earned a perfect score of 100.
Medicare’s largest alternative payment model produced its highest annual savings to date in 2020, as shown by performance data released this week by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services….
Adirondacks ACO Board Member Changes (May 2021)
Please join us as we show our appreciation for our outgoing ACO Board Member Dr. Howard Schapiro, SVP CQO/CPHO, UVMHN who has served on the ACO...
Adirondacks ACO Board Member Changes
Please join us as we show our appreciation for our outgoing ACO Board Member as we as welcome a new ACO Board Member.
Adirondacks ACO Membership Update
Over the past several years, the Adirondacks ACO has had a strong collaborative relationship with AHI (Adirondack Health Institute), supporting...
COVID Vaccine Dashboard
The COVID-19 Vaccine dashboard and COVID- 19 map have been created for the network and community to understand the overall vaccination distribution and see how we can improve the rollout within Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, St. Lawrence, and Lewis...
Confused about all the news on boosters? You are not alone. Here are some answers to your questions.
Comirnaty and Pfizer BioNTech Vaccine
What is the difference between the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine that we have been using since last December and the new Comirnaty vaccine that was FDA approved in August?
Brand name – and nothing else.
Local Doctors Trying To Persuade Patients To Get COVID Vaccine
Every day, Dr. Bill Borgos tries to convince two or three of his patients to get the COVID vaccine.
• Quoted: Wouter Rietsema, MD, VP Population Health & Information Services at The UVM Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital
COVID-19 vaccine data is now available in Hixny!
Easily identify which of your patients should receive the vaccine and assist them with getting an appointment!
COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Providers
New York State requires active involvement of its health care providers to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine to its 20 million residents. Health care providers must stay up-to-date on the COVID-19 vaccine distribution and implementation.
State of NY COVID-19 Vaccine Phased Distribution of the Vaccine
See if you may be Eligible to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine, Click Here

New report on obesity in North Country reveals need for healthier habits
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (WCAX) – A staggering new report on obesity in the North Country has the Clinton County Health Department working to help the community establish healthier habits.
“Eat in a way that’s going to make you feel good,” said Annie Hutchinson, a registered dietician at Gifford Health Care in Vermont.
Citizen Advocates Presents Addiction Treatment and Education Course
MALONE, N.Y. – Opioid abuse has surged across the country in recent years, but the problem is particularly acute in St. Lawrence County, where hospital discharges involving opioid use were more than twice the New York State average in 2020.
The New York State Clinical Education Initiative Hepatitis C & Drug User Health Center of Excellence Presents: X-Express – Buprenorphine Prescribing for Beginners
The New York State Clinical Education Initiative Hepatitis C & Drug User Health Center of Excellence Presents: X-Express – Buprenorphine Prescribing for Beginners
Citizen Advocates In-School Prevention Team Conducts Essential Screening
MALONE, N.Y. – After two years of online instruction, a vital mental health screening program returned to Franklin County classrooms this school year. Administered by Citizen Advocates’ in-school Prevention Specialists—alongside school counselors, teachers and staff—the Signs of Suicide (SOS) Program works to destigmatize depression and suicidal thoughts and normalize the discussion of mental health among young people and their parents.
Mental Health Awareness Month
In commemoration of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, Citizen Advocates is highlighting the trailblazing work of its clinicians in the field of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy.
ACO Spotlight – Champlain Valley Family Center- Recovery Campus
Champlain Valley Family Center- Recovery Campus
Champlain Valley Family Center- Recovery Campus (CVFC-RC) is a 16-bed, co-ed, drug and alcohol Residential Rehabilitation program for adults 18 and older. CVFC-RC opened its doors in 2018 in Schuyler Falls, NY. Each year, we serve approximately 175 individuals with substance use disorder, many of which are North Country residents. The approximate length of stay at CVFC-RC is 60-90 days…
CVPH Earns National Recognition For Efforts To Improve Stroke Treatment
The University of Vermont Health Network-Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital has received the American Heart Association’s Silver Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Quality Achievement Award
Kramer named CEO of Adirondack Health
SARANAC LAKE — Aaron Kramer was confirmed as the permanent president and CEO of Adirondack Health Wednesday.
Previously the organization’s chief operating officer, Kramer had been serving as acting CEO. His predecessor, Sylvia Getman, retired in July.
Glens Falls Hospital president, CEO to retire Dec. 31
Dianne Shugrue’s tenure marked by coronavirus pandemic, affiliation with Albany Med.
GLENS FALLS — Glens Falls Hospital president and CEO Dianne Shugrue will retire Dec. 31, ending an eight-year run as leader of the hospital, officials announced Tuesday.

AHI Telehealth and Telemedicine
Rural regions can face many challenges in delivering health care, including barriers to patient travel and provider access. Telehealth and...
Governor Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.96, which extends telehealth regulatory flexibility for OMH-licensed, funded, and designated programs until 3/28/2021.
The Department of Health and Human Services has recently added a new website focused on telebehavioral health best practices. The site, has sections on developing a strategy, billing, and prepping patients for telehealth.
Summer Sun Safety Month
August is Sun Safety Month! We wanted to share some tips on protecting yourself from the sun!
HHS Announces the Availability of $25.5 Billion in COVID-19 Provider Funding
Combined application for American Rescue Plan rural funding and Provider Relief Fund Phase 4 will open on September 29 The Biden-Harris...